Saturday, April 13, 2013

Loser day 12- Office Coffee day!

Hi ppl! *Yawn yawn* sorry!! wat a slpy start for the day! I can't help it... I've slpt oni fr 4 hrs! The drive at worli seaface n d small accident took so long I didnt realize I had got super late. Slpt @ 1:30 n had to force myslf outta bed @ 5:30... Sad sad... I knew I was gonna b grumpy all day and the fasting will add to d irritation... I pity d ppl sitting arnd me.. Adding to that I remember i've got over tym!!! 12 hrs wrkin!! Wow!! God please give ppl d strength to bear me! LOL

The title mustve given d hint as to wat liquid i've thrived on throughout d day... Yes its Coffee!! N it had to b COFFEE only as u kno I was sooo damn slpy! Filter coffee fr bf n cold coffee frm my cafe fr lunch dats all I had throughout the day till d tym I was in ofyc!

During these fasts my munchies get replaced by warm water! I had 4 litres if water in ofyc itslf! Hope my fats dont get convertd to water! i donno how to lose water retention! :P  LOL!
While working all day i didnt realize i didnt hav food all day.. but the moment i left ofyc i cud feel d effect of not eating nethng! totally exhausted! so much that i slept in the bus in no tym! thankfully i got a nyc window seat.. on my way home i entered the juice centre n ordered for a water melon juice! it was heavenly! felt my energy rushing back in me! :D :D

At home mommy dear had made a preparation which we can officially have during hindu fasts. it was rice like n i had it with curd.. i had thot i wont eat nethng but d amount of work i'd done today i jst cudnt say no to it...
The accident has put my car horn to silent mode.. due to which no drive today.. n any ways i was so damn tired.. no chance of exerting myslf and my brain on d roads! :P the much needed rest was pulling me towards my bed n i fell asleep within seconds.. :)

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