Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Loser Day 2- Diet bubble still up! :D

Jst like any new thng v take up.. d initial days r often enthusiastic, full of  strong will n motivation. so being d 2nd day i am still enthu abt all dis.. n THIS blog will help me keep a chk on myslf so dat i dont cheat! ;)
well day 2 did surprise me a bit coz m used 2 navratri fastings whr i go without proper foodgrains for 9 days @ a stretch but m actually finding myslf struggling 2 reduce d food intake. 

Now d 2nd day being a Tuesday i was on veg diet for d day so my bf (short for breakfast n not boyfriend! :P) started with digestive biscuits n my reg cutting glass of coffee.. 4 biscuits n dat coffee rescued me 4m d hunger pangs i was getting since 7 30 am.. 

plz dont think m promoting products out here.. but i only promote what i like 2 eat. evry1 promotes sumthng or d odr knowing or unknowingly ryt! be it d muvi u saw last week or evn d new restaurant dat has come up jst a few days ago! its a human tendency 2 talk abt thngs v liked n had a good experience with. neways.. jst 4 of des biscuits n d coffee made my bf a nyc snacky n filling one.. i had 5 biscuits left with me wich i cud store in d air tight dabba u get with these biscuits absolutly free! :P 

Now sum cool info: 2 thngs dat can really help lose wt @ a faster rate.... Proteins n Fibers! Proteins help u 2 produce d energy required for ur daily activities n fibers r gr8 for digestion and gives a  feeling of fullness or "satiety". A combo of these will definitely show d results on d scale!! Talkin abt d scale.. i dont believe in numbers dat d weighing scale shows.. for me my goal of losing wt is measured by my chlothes! :D i hav 1 black top wich i wish 2 wear but cant coz i look flabby in it! soo.. d day i fit in it lookin perfect is wen i'll consider dat i've lost wt! ;) i'll try it out on 30th of April n will post my pic as well!! :D

coming back 2 lunch.. d clock struck 12:15 n i sprang up 4 my seat thinkin abt my lunch.. being a veggie day i opted for veg manchow soup 1 by 2 shared with my frnd! a chinese soup 4m d southie kitchen tasted really good. ICH (indian coffee house) is nt jst a coffee house.. its my annadata with lovely lunch options as well..

The major challenge came @ 4 pm wen i suddenly got super hungry... n i generally dont eat dat often.. dats wen it struck me i hav sum digestive biscuits left 4m mrng.. i had dem n i was happy!! :D :D had w8ed bk in office for sum presentations wich left me again hungry @ 7 by d tym i got home... obviously mom doesnt make dinner so soon so i had 2 invent my own dinner. 

I found sum swt corn in d freezer n der.. i started boiling it by d tym chopping a tomato n half onion.. chaat is an integral part of my diet n i get seriously OFFENDED if sum1 calls it JUNK! so i made my small chana chaat version replacing black chana (black chickpea) with swt corn...
Dats d real pic of my dinner n i also had 1 small dahi vada made soo lovingly by my mum! shez so against me dieting n stuff.. who'll eat her inventions den! heheh!

And abt my routine i didnt do nethng.. no exercise, no shooting, no stretching.. simply hugged my bed good nite @ 9:30! i kno too early naa.. but travelling @ peak hrs from seepz 2 my place was so tiring.. i thot taking rest was d best option! :D

so dat was wat my 2nd day looked like... oh yes.. i actually felt lyk havin a pizza but i stopped myslf coz i knew i'll hav 2 add it here if i eat it.. dis blog is actually helping me not 2 cheat myslf! :D

well.. dats all folks for day 2.. cya 2moro! :D

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